Real West Gravel Grinder - March 16, 2025 - Pendleton OR

Gravel Mob

November 08 2025
Ojai CA
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Distances: 30, 58 miles
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs

BIG CLIMBS, STUNNING VIEWS, groomed fire roads, rutty, rocky dirt roads, creek crossings (could be wet or dry), exposed double or single-track and a sweeping ten-mile road descent down from Rose Valley back to Ojai!

*(Depends on the condition of the Single-Track section and permission from the US Forest Service. See * below for additional information.)

Ride Descriptions:

THE GRAVEL MOB FULL PULL: First several miles are a neutral roll. Before we hit the 10-mile Sulphur Mountain fire road climb, we will regroup to ensure equal Strava start times. After Sulphur Mountain, we're back on pavement for about 7 miles before transferring to the next dirt section. The descent off the first climb is paved, narrow, tight, and technical. Always stay far right and be prepared for oncoming traffic.

The second dirt climb, Sisar Canyon Road, is typically rutty and rocky for the first 3-4 miles. After the official 8-mile climb, the dirt continues along a rolling (sometimes steep) fire road until it meets Rose Valley Fire Road, a loose + exposed 2.5-mile dirt double-track descent. The descent from Nordhoff Ridge will be neutralized, and a 10 MPH speed limit will be in effect. The final 15 miles are paved and include a long, sweeping + rewarding 10-mile descent down Highway 33 back into Ojai. 

Our backcountry can be unforgiving, and the route is rough in some areas - especially the Sisar to Nordhoff Ridge to Rose Valley section. We recommend at least a 35mm tire with decent tread, and you wouldn't be wrong if you went bigger!

There will be three support stations - the top of Sulphur, the middle OR** top of Sisar, and the top OR** bottom of Rose Valley. Plenty of hydration + calorie options will be on hand for your dining pleasure :-). 

**(The position of our aid stations depends on permission from the US Forest Service. Access varies with current conditions.)

THE MINI MOB: Two monster dirt climbs is a big ask, so no one will dispute the desire to head back into Ojai for a coffee or some R&R a bit early. To skip the second climb on Sisar and complete the Mini Mob, turn left on Highway 150 and follow the signs back to Ojai. Please keep your eyes peeled for updates + the official Strava route!

Gear: We recommend a cross or gravel bike with compact road or gravel gearing and at least 35mm tires. A mountain bike that's a solid climber will work, too, but a gravel bike is the faster choice in this course. Please bring at least two tubes and everything you need to repair a flat. 

Gravel Mob

Start Located At: 110 W Ojaj Ave, Ojai, CA, 93023
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May 10 2025 - EVENT: The Gravel Mob