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Uterecht Ultra

May 17 - May 21 2025
Utrecht The Netherlands
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 1000km
Difficulty: Extreme terrain with frequent steep hills and long sustained climb

Utrecht Ultra offers a mix of free and fixed routes, with approximately 98% of the course on tarmac. Riders begin on a fixed route from the starting point in Utrecht, after which they will have to pass through three different checkpoints (CPs) located in neighbouring countries.

The CPs are strategically placed, requiring riders to carefully plan their own routes between them. Each CP is staffed by volunteers and features a short mandatory parcours. After passing through the final CP, riders will return to The Netherlands to follow a final fixed route back to Utrecht.

Uterecht Ultra

Start Located At: Utrecht, The Netherlands.
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May 17 2025 - EVENT: Uterecht Ultra