2025 Dirty Pecan, Monticello FL, March 1st!

Guerilla Grind 3

March 22 2025
Bremerton WA
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 60, 70, 89 miles
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs

Welcome to the 2025 series of Guerilla Grinds! The third of these grinds will be a jaunt to Tahuya. We have truly saved the best for last! The routes are roughly 89, 70 or 60 miles on some of the finest roads, gravel and trails in Kitsap County. This route features iconic North Shore Road, the Roubaix of the Pacific Northwest, and is a perennial crowd favorite. 

It is a social ride if you want; its a race if you choose. It will be challenging regardless. It is important to emphasize  this grind is totally underground, unsanctioned, unapproved, and unsupported. You are entirely responsible for your own safety, and rescue if you are unable to complete the route. 

The Grind is designed to accommodate Seattle area riders using the Bremerton Ferry, and Kitsap based riders who meet at the Bremerton ferry terminal. If you are riding recreationally you can choose any ferry or start time that works for you. If you are riding GC (or if you want to ride out in the main group) you must be on the 7:30 ferry, or meet that ferry in Bremerton (typically about 8:30). The routes are officially released after registration is closed. However, due to rave reviews and rider feedback, this route is largely unchanged from 2024. I saved for you the best for last!

If you sign up for GC you can race for prizes. Approximately half of the collected registration revenue is paid back to top finishers. Categories are Open Men, Open Women, Masters Men, Masters Women and (new for 2025)  Non-Binary.  Like previous GGs you will need to snap a picture of a control point to prove you made it all the way. I also verify your Strava file. 

All routes utilize an eclectic assortment of roads, gravel roads and trails. It was designed for modern gravel bikes running low gears and bigger tires (1.5"-2.0"). Guerrilla Grinds have a reputation for including spicy sections of g-road and seldom used trails. Rest assured, this edition is no different!  Weather and road conditions are subject to chaos and change, so be prepared for anything. Again, your safety is entirely your own responsibility. There is no support offered on any Guerrilla Grind.  Know your limits.

Guerilla Grind #2

Start Located At: Bremerton, WA 98314
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Feb 22 2025 - EVENT: Guerilla Grind 2
Mar 22 2025 - EVENT: Guerilla Grind 3
Feb 22 2025 - EVENT: Guerilla Grind 2
Mar 22 2025 - EVENT: Guerilla Grind 3