2025 Dirty Pecan, Monticello FL, March 1st!
<p> <img alt="Easter" country="" hill="" src="https://cloudpowered.blob.core.windows.net/images/2023-easter-hill-icon-i6" tour="" /></p>

Easter Hill Country Tour

April 04 - April 06 2025
Kerrville Texas USA
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Distances: 3 days
Limited to: 2,000 or less Participants
<div> <p> The Fort Worth Bicycling Association invites you to the 50th & Final Easter Hill Country Tour (EHCT) on Friday, Saturday & Sunday, April 7 - 9, 2023.</p> <p> As we say... "It's been a GREAT ride!" FIFTY years of the Hill County's best cycling. Miles and miles of Bluebonnets, breath-taking vistas, lung & leg scorching hills.... neither rain nor snow nor hail has kept us from our appointed rounds!  But all such things must eventually pass into the Halls of Great Cycling Memories, and EHCT 's bittersweet time has come. Come join us for the last time to make this final year a GREAT send-off!</p> <p> Experience the charm and hospitality of the Texas Hill Country and three days of the best riding Texas has to offer.  Quiet, well-paved roads, fully-stocked rest stops and panoramic scenery have made the <a href="http://ehct.com/" target="_blank">Easter Hill Country Tour</a> one of the premier cycling events in Texas, with routes suitable for all categories of participants from novices to experienced riders.</p> <p> Join 1,000 other like-minded cyclists and see why the EHCT is an Easter weekend tradition.  All rides offer cue sheets, maps, road markings, and GPS files.  The Friday and Saturday rides are fully-supported with rest stops and SAG vehicles.  On Easter Sunday, <a href="http://www.thecomingkingfoundation.org/" target="_blank">The </a><a href="http://www.thecomingkingfoundation.org/" target="_blank">Coming King Foundation</a> offers a free, immensely popular non-denominational Sunrise Service at their Prayer Garden overlooking I-20 and the YO Ranch.  Then you may explore a unique local ride we have planned for you, or choose a ride on your own, either a short relaxed river ride or a last final scenic challenge.  You’ll enjoy a relaxed, friendly cycling experience and, like so many of us, file away one more great memory of the era of EHCT!</p> </div> <p> <img alt="Easter Hill Country Tour" src="https://cloudpowered.blob.core.windows.net/images/gf-eater-tour-p.png" title="Easter Hill Country Tour" /></p>
Start Located At: 2100 Memorial Blvd, Kerrville, TX 78028
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Friday April 7th 4:00pm – 9:00pm. Registration and Tee Shirt pickup at the Schreiner University Activity Center Saturday April 8th 7:00am – 7:00pm. Registration and Tee Shirt pickup at the Schreiner University Activity Center 7:00am – 4:00pm. Short, medium and long rides starting at Schreiner University. No mass starts but many riders usually plan to meet up in the parking lot. The last rest stop closes at 4:00pm. Sunday April 9th 7:00am – 11:00am. Registration and Tee Shirt pickup at the Schreiner University Activity Center 7:00am – 4:00pm. Short, medium and long rides starting at Schreiner University. No mass starts but many riders usually plan to meet up at the University parking lot. The last rest stop closes at 4:00pm. 11:00am – 5:00pm: Post-Ride picnic at the Schreiner Pavilion. Fellowship, music, and food truck meals available for purchase. Beer tastings possible.
4:00pm – 9:00pm. Registration and Tee Shirt pickup at the Schreiner University Activity Center

Saturday April 8th
7:00am – 7:00pm. Registration and Tee Shirt pickup at the Schreiner University Activity Center

7:00am – 4:00pm. Short, medium and long rides starting at Schreiner University. No mass starts but many riders usually plan to meet up in the parking lot. The last rest stop closes at 4:00pm.

Sunday April 9th
7:00am – 11:00am. Registration and Tee Shirt pickup at the Schreiner University Activity Center

7:00am – 4:00pm. Short, medium and long rides starting at Schreiner University. No mass starts but many riders usually plan to meet up at the University parking lot. The last rest stop closes at 4:00pm.

11:00am – 5:00pm: Post-Ride picnic at the Schreiner Pavilion. Fellowship, music, and food truck meals available for purchase. Beer tastings possible.


Registration Fees

Early Bird OnLine Registration     $60 thru Jan 31
Advance OnLine Registration       $70 Feb 1 - April 2
Onsite Paper-Only Registration        $80 April 5 - 7


Marked routes, gps files, rest stops, sag drivers
3 Day Event.
Fri: 34,52,74 miles
Sat: 42,65,84 miles
Sun: 19 miles

Packet Pickups

Friday April 7th 4:00pm – 9:00pm. Registration and Tee Shirt pickup at the Schreiner University Activity Center Saturday April 8th 7:00am – 7:00pm. Registration and Tee Shirt pickup at the Schreiner University Activity Center 7:00am – 4:00pm. Short, medium and long rides starting at Schreiner University. No mass starts but many riders usually plan to meet up in the parking lot. The last rest stop closes at 4:00pm. Sunday April 9th 7:00am – 11:00am. Registration and Tee Shirt pickup at the Schreiner University Activity Center 7:00am – 4:00pm. Short, medium and long rides starting at Schreiner University. No mass starts but many riders usually plan to meet up at the University parking lot. The last rest stop closes at 4:00pm. 11:00am – 5:00pm: Post-Ride picnic at the Schreiner Pavilion. Fellowship, music, and food truck meals available for purchase. Beer tastings possible.
4:00pm – 9:00pm. Registration and Tee Shirt pickup at the Schreiner University Activity Center

Saturday April 8th
7:00am – 7:00pm. Registration and Tee Shirt pickup at the Schreiner University Activity Center

7:00am – 4:00pm. Short, medium and long rides starting at Schreiner University. No mass starts but many riders usually plan to meet up in the parking lot. The last rest stop closes at 4:00pm.

Sunday April 9th
7:00am – 11:00am. Registration and Tee Shirt pickup at the Schreiner University Activity Center

7:00am – 4:00pm. Short, medium and long rides starting at Schreiner University. No mass starts but many riders usually plan to meet up at the University parking lot. The last rest stop closes at 4:00pm.

11:00am – 5:00pm: Post-Ride picnic at the Schreiner Pavilion. Fellowship, music, and food truck meals available for purchase. Beer tastings possible.

Changing Rooms
Registration On the Day
Pre-Packet Pickups
Support for Participants
Emergency Contact No
SAG Wagon
Downloadable GPS files
Feed / Aid Stations