Homegrown Gravel Adventure, Franklin GA - February 22nd 2025

Polar Bear Metric Century

Polar Bear Metric Century

January 10 2026
Davidson NC
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Distances: 31, 62 miles
Difficulty: Gently rolling terrain with one or two short hills

The 25th Annual Polar Bear Metric Century will be held Saturday, January 11, 2025.

Come out and make  this New Year's tradition another success. Whether you consider this the North Meck Winter Nationals or just a chance to recommit to cycling for the new year, we'll be there to support you. You can always find someone to ride with, lots of support along the course, and hot soup and grilled cheese sandwiches at the finish.

First 150 people to enter will receive a RRRC Polar Bear custom gator.  Additional door prizes will be given away including gift cards to BrickHouse Tavern and Davidson Therapeutic Massage.

Polar Bear Metric Century

Start Located At: 800 Beaty Street, Davidson, NC
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SAG vehicles will cruise the course to support all riders and transport weary riders back to the starting point. On-Site support
provided by The Cycle Path.

Rest Stops:
Rest Stops will be provided to rest and refuel.  Food and fluids will be provided.

Registration On the Day
Support for Participants
SAG Wagon
Roving Mechanical Support
Post Event Meal(s) Provided As Part of Entry