2025 Dirty Pecan, Monticello FL, March 1st!

Joe Cosley Pancake Ride

Joe Cosley Pancake Ride

July 19 2025
Trego Montana USA
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Distances: 150+ miles
Difficulty: Extreme terrain with frequent steep hills and long sustained climb

Pancake Ride v.8,  Mixed surface ride, with a bit of single track.

Each year will feature a different course, exploring the many diverse geographical areas surrounding Whiteish and the Flathead Valley in the north west corner of Montana, all on dirt. Since each year is different, there will be revised/updated Riders Packet or each version. Visit the website for details.

The JCPR is really just an excuse to get and ride some of the best dirt roads and single track north west Montana has to offer. It’a a low-key affair, everything is in place for you to have a great ride, after you finish, pancakes and beer and some hugs await you at the finish. Don’t expect any hoopla, prizes and so on, just a fun time with like minded people. Back to the basics.

Joe Cosley Pancake Ride

Start Located At: 232 Fortine Creek Road, Trego, MT, 59934
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Route file and a fun time.
