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Are you tough enough to handle the Rode to Hell?

Michigan’s Hottest Gravel Event! Celebrate an apocalyptic bike race to Hell (Mich.) and back with bikes, beer, food and live music this autumn!

Are you tough enough to handle the Rode to Hell?

Rode To HELL presented by Experience Jackson is a gravel bike event consisting of four distances to cater to all abilities of cyclists.

Taking place this autumn on October 7, 2023, the event encompasses Jackson, Washtenaw, Livingston and Ingham counties. A majority of the roads traveled will be gravel with smaller segments of paved portions, making for a memorable and unique challenge at the longer distances.

Early October will be peak season for the changing leaves, so the course is going to be beautifully lined with fall colors!

Four distances! Some Roads Lead To Purgatory! Some Go Straight To Hell!

The two shorter distances travel east and north before coming back to Grass Lake, never quite making it to Hell.

24 mile Purgatory Loop - With 1,310 feet of elevation gain, our shortest route is 77% gravel, 23% paved and is a great introduction distance for Rode to Hell.

41 mile Purgatory Loop - Our second shortest distance boasts 2,079 feet of elevation gain and is 86% gravel, 14% paved.

The two longer distances would travel east and north all the way to Hell, Mich. before looping back to Grass Lake.

71-Mile Hell Loop - This is where things get real and go all the way to Hell (Mich.). Challenge yourself to 3,164 feet of elevation gain while riding this 86% gravel, 14% paved course.

100-Mile Hell Loop - 100 miles of pure Hell. 4,366 feet of elevation gain. 90% gravel, 10% paved. This is what this race is all about.

“There is no greater sorrow than to recall our times of joy in wretchedness. Though the greatest sorrow may be the 100-mile Rode to Hell course,” says Dante Alighieri, author of Inferno.

There are up to four aid stations out on course, two for the 24 and 41 mile, three for the 71 mile and four for the 100 mile. The routes are full signposted, with downloadable GPS files available, first aid and SAG support.

Beer, Food and LIVE Music!

After you finish you will be rewarded with your finisher’s medal. Time to relax and kick back at the after party with food, beer and live music.

HOT catering and beer by Grand River Brewery - Jackson, PLUS a LIVE concert by Bombargo!

The Catering + Live Show is on us!

100% of the proceeds from the beer tent will benefit myTeam Triumph - West Michigan Chapter.

Register NOW!

Entry includes a personalized plate, timing with results published and category prizes, photos, finisher’s medal and an after party with food, beer and live music.

The first 250 riders will get a custom RTH 2023 embroidered 3" patch.

Fireball Whisky is sponsoring Rode to Hell and will be giving out Fireball Swag. PLUS, every participant 21+ or over will get a Fireball shot in the beer tent!

Every participant who signs up by September 15 is guaranteed a "HELLBOUND" lightweight hoodie.

For more information, please visit: https://rodetohell.com or click the button below to register now:


Rode to Hell Photo Gallery

Are you tough enough to handle the Rode to Hell?Are you tough enough to handle the Rode to Hell?ell2Are you tough enough to handle the Rode to Hell?Are you tough enough to handle the Rode to Hell?Are you tough enough to handle the Rode to Hell?Are you tough enough to handle the Rode to Hell?Are you tough enough to handle the Rode to Hell?Are you tough enough to handle the Rode to Hell?Are you tough enough to handle the Rode to Hell?