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La Roue Sportive

March 08 2025
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 46, 81, 132 km
Difficulty: Difficult terrain with longer, steeper hills

La Roue, a stunning ride along The Welsh Border

La Roue (The Wheel in French) is another amazing Sportive from Velo29. Gone are the days of rinse and repeat, you now crave new and exciting rides, exploring new areas and meeting new people. All the with back up of the well-known Velo29 support, sitting on your roue arriere ??

2024 was the first edition of La Roue and you all absolutley loved it! You commented that the roads were so quiet and if there were cars, they were all bike friendly! Most of you enjoyed the challenge of Hope Mountain but not all, so we’ve inserted a Short Sport Route which avoids the 30% slopes and hair pins. Your choice!

We depart the lovely town of Chester and quickly head out onto some exciting and picturesque roads. The theme of La Roue is to trace a lot of the Welsh Border, we actually dip into Wales many times along the way. This isn’t intended to be a Super Challenge Ride on any of the 4 routes, more a glorious early season dip into some new locations, with a few lumps along the way!

The sting in the tail comes towards the end as we ‘enjoy’ Hope Mountain! A hairpin climb reaching over 300m! It’s worth the effort as the views of Waun-y-Llyn Country Park are stunning! Short/ Medium and Long routes tackle this climb, many of you pushed up Hope Mountain in 2024, no shame in that, it’s still a tough ascent even on foot.

If the weather is kind the views from the top are stunning.

In some places we encounter some changable road surfaces, as you’d expect when exploring these little lanes,

La Roue is an important feature in the Velo29 Early Season Calendar, you’re really love exploring North Wales and this part of Cheshire. We hope we see you on the start line!

La Roue Sportive

Start Located At: Queen’s Park High School, Queen’s Park Rd, Handbridge, Chester CH4 7AE
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