2025 Dirty Pecan, Monticello FL, March 1st!

Gears and Beers

Gears and Beers Festival

October 04 - October 05 2025
Wagga Wagga NSW Australia
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 9, 30, 50, 105, 130 km
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs
Limited to: 2,000 or less Participants

Gears + Beers continues to attract riders and visitors from Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and beyond. We've got your entertainment covered for the whole weekend!

The Gears and Beers community cycle challenge, will be held on Sunday, 6th October 2019.

Wagga Wagga is well known as an active community and we are proud to provide an event that promotes health, fitness and fun to all ages.

Our focus is on community participation; mums, dads, children, current cycle enthusiasts and beginners. We especially want to grow the number of female cyclists experiencing this year’s event.

Ride in a group, as an individual or with family and friends, then meet at the finish line (Victory Memorial Gardens) for an afternoon of live entertainment at our Beer & Cider Festival. 

Gears and Beers

Start Located At: Wagga Wagga, NSW, AU
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Toilets Showers and changing facilities available at Start/Finish area
Free security area provided for cycle participants' bikes at the conclusion of the ride
Drink and food stations provided on the course and at the finish
Registrations available on the morning of the event - report to registration tent in cycle marshalling area

Support for Participants
Route Signposted
First Aid
Emergency Contact No
SAG Wagon
Escort / Police Escort
Roving Mechanical Support
Downloadable GPS files
Post Ride Shower
Finish Line Chute
Feed / Aid Stations