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Virtual Bluewater International Granfondo Raises $40K for Palliative Care

The 2021 Virtual Bluewater International Granfondo raised over $40,000 for the continuing Palliative Care education in Sarnia Lambton

The in-person event in the province of Ontario was cancelled in 2021 due to COVID health restrictions.

However organizers are astounded from the support that came from all over the city, county, province, country and globe for the 2021 VirtualBluewater International Granfondo.

Over 600 riders showed up and together they exceeded any goals they had for the virtual experience.

The organizers would like to thank every single sponsor that has been with them this year and/or from the beginning. They stepped up and helped make B.I.G. a huge success.

Stay tuned for BIG - the 2022 edition - details to be announced shortly!

for more information, please visit: http://www.bigf.ca

Virtual Bluewater International Granfondo Raises $40K for Palliative Care

Photo: The cool people L to R in the photo are Courtney Young (BWHPC), Jeff Burchill, Kathy Johnson and Ken MacAlpine (BIG), Dr. Glen Maddison (MD, St Joseph's Hospice), Kelly Chartrand (SJHS) and Jody McGregor (BWH). It was a windy one, but luckily the cheque didn't end up in Lake Huron.