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2021 Bluewater International Granfondo going VIRTUAL for 2021

With current Ontario pandemic rules continuing to limit large gatherings and travel over the coming weeks and months, the 2021 Bluewater International Granfondo have opted to move to a VIRTUAL EVENT with a $15,000 Prize Purse!

Recently the BIG committee collectively exclaimed “PLOT TWIST” and are gearing up for a new look to bring this world class Gran Fondo to a whole other level.

Bluewater International Granfondo have opted to move to a VIRTUAL EVENT with a $15,000 Prize Purse!

Here are some cool facts to know as you get ready to register:

- The BIG will run the virtual event so all registrants can participate and ride their chosen distance. The difference this year will be a one-week window over which to complete your ride. Given that the event runs July 26th through to August 1st, you could even consider registering for a longer distance, giving yourself some bigger goals with this new time frame.

- YOU will have complete flexibility over time-of-day, weather, wind direction, and with whom you will ride – as long as you record your ride using Strava (a how-to will be provided).  B.I.G. organizers will then gather the results of the week and determine participation results and prizes from there. Your results will be published on RaceRoster, as they have been in prior years.

- Your participation in the 2021 Bluewater International Granfondo will continue to support Palliative Care, specifically Palliative Care Education. Dr. Maddison and his committee are also pivoting & organizing for a Virtual Lambton Palliative Care Retreat this Fall. Adapting to our real world scenarios is the best way for us to reach our goals of fundraising this year! YOU are a crucial key in all of this!

 -Did we mention the Limited Edition 2021 BIG Giordana Cycling Jersey? Retailing at $225+, this high end offering comes as part of your registration package!

the Limited Edition 2021 BIG Giordana Cycling Jersey? Retailing at $225+, this high end offering comes as part of your registration package

- So much more info coming your way over the next 8 weeks! Stay tuned as BIG will be sharing all the news, announcing new BIG cycling challenges, the how to’s for being successful with your virtual participation and more! Oh, we can’t forget the 15k prize board!

BIG invite you to register today!

BIG believe getting outdoors on your bike is one of the best things for our physical and mental health right now…so let’s stay the course and make this year’s B.I.G. another huge success for both YOU and our contribution to advancing Palliative Care within our community. 

Head over to the BIG Website to Register! www.bigf.ca

BIG believe getting outdoors on your bike is one of the best things for our physical and mental health right now