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United States | Midwest | Ohio >> VIDEO: Chasing Spartacus - Update on Gaimon's Race with Fabian Cancellara

VIDEO: Chasing Spartacus - Update on Gaimon's Race with Fabian Cancellara

Ex-professional rider and founder of the highly acclaimed Phil's Cookie Fondo, by Verzion, is taking on the challenge of racing Fabian Cancellara. In response cycling fans have donated thousands of dollars.

The challenge will raise funds for charity No Kid Hungry

So far Phil Gaimon has raised over $12,000 dollars from his 2017 Cookie Fondo, Raffle and donations from cycling fans, the goal is to reach $20,000 dollars.

You can donate here.

>>> Phil Gaimon to race Fabian Cancellara for charity No Kid Hungry <<<

VIDEO: Chasing Spartacus Update