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United States | Southeast | Virginia >> 50th Nove Colli Gran Fondo Postponed to September for Return

50th Nove Colli Gran Fondo Postponed to September for return after Mass Vaccination Program

Nove Colli, the oldest Gran Fondo in the world, has postponed until September 26, 2021 as Italy prepares to lift restrictions in the Summer

Due to the current situation with the rollout of the vaccine across Italy, the organizers have decided to delay the start of the oldest Granfondo in the world to protect the health of all riders and the local population in the Romagna area.

President of the event Andrea Agostini stated “We live in a complicated period, where decisions, even the most trivial, take on complicated implications. Ours is not a cycling event, but a highly celebrated social gathering, and for this reason the main goal is to run the granfondo in the safest way possible."

"In September, we should have a good number of people vaccinated, but despite this, we are preparing a health protocol of the highest level that involves a great human and, above all, economic effort. I am sure that the cyclists, who we are asking to make small adjustments for these reasons, will appreciate the efforts that the organization is making. The hope is that we will finally start again".

All registration fees will remain valid and the cyclists don't have to do anything. In the next few days, Nove Colli will provide all registered riders with an FAQ on the official website at www.novecolli.it

Italy is currently working really hard to rollout the vaccine across the country with the Italian government very keen to achieve this before well before August, which is the main holiday season in Italy. They are currently on target to acheive this and finally put Coronavirus behind them and open up to travel and tourism like many other countries across Europe.

The event will bring thousands of cyclists, even those not as well as prepared as envisaged to the roads with the sole desire of spending time together on their bicycles, and with the hope that it will mark a new start for everyone and everything.

The Gran Fondo Nove Colli is one of Italy’s most famous cycling events with over 12,000 riders in 2019 it’s one of the most popular too. Nove Colli is Italian for Nine Hills and a quick glance at the route profile will confirm why! 

The stunning scenery as you climb through Italian hills before descending back down the Adriatic coast is one of many reasons why cyclists who love to travel should add the Nove Colli to their ‘bucket list'.

Add in a splash of Italian wine, great food and a seaside resort steeped in the history of Marco Pantani, Fausto Coppi and four decades of hosting Gran Fondo’s and the Giro d’Italia and you have the recipe for a classic Italian Gran Fondo. 

The event dates back to 1971 when 17 riders took part. Gran Fondo Nove Colli is officially recognized by Gran Fondo Guide as the world's oldest and original Gran Fondo.

50th Nove Colli Gran Fondo Postponed to September