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United States | Midwest | Ohio >> 2016 Gran Fondo Guide Advertising

2016 Gran Fondo Guide Marketing & Advertising 

GranFondoGuide.com has grown to become one of the biggest cycling websites worldwide and is the largest North American Endurance cycling website

We also have one of the most comprehensive, ease of use and user friendly Gran Fondo, Sportive, Century Ride, Gravel Grinder, Fat Bike, Bike Expo, Bike Festival, Cycle Tours, Women Specific and Ultra distance Endurance cycling events calendars for North America and worldwide.

Our event coordinators work extremely hard to keep our event calendars up to date and liaise with thousands of cycling event organizers across the globe, who in turn, manage their event details themselves. Cycling is growing business, and we're offering fantastic opportunities to promote your event, product, brand or service intuitively and personally.


GranFondoGuide.com was established in January 2013 and has seen tremendous growth - as has the Gran Fondo model and cycling generally in North America. The last few years have seen an explosion of events and we build relationships with existing and new event organizers and have taken the lead in organizing and facilitating a comprehensive calendar of events. There are hundreds of recognised Gran Fondo's in North America in 2016 and we have now have listings worldwide. 

Our website will is accessible across 95% of devices including wide desktops, desktops, tablets, mobile phone and mobile devices. More user friendly, engaging and accessible to event organisizers, sponsors, cycle retailers and manufacturers in the cycling industry.

Since 2013, we have had over 6 million visitors worldwide. We regularly receive around 80,000 visitors a month.

Marketing & Social Media Marketing

With comprehensive listings of all events, in depth articles, reports, results, GranFondoGuide.com is the one and only "one stop shop" for North America Gran Fondo's and other US cycling events. Testament to cycling's growth, other sites offer cycling and event calendar content, but GranFondoGuide.com holds the dominant market position and content when it comes to the big business of Gran Fondo's in North America. Many business markets fit within the demographic of cyclists. The increase in professionally-organized, worldwide events show that Gran Fondo’s are a rapidly developing market. Riders are looking for the latest in bikes, equipment and clothing; they are keen to take on coaching plans to improve their fitness and incorporate cycling into their holidays. 

Events marketed and promoted by us, experience maximum coverage and hence an increase in demand. We have proven success, recommendations and references from our clients.

Site Statistics & Demographics

GranFondoGuide.com encourages repeat visitors and lengthy visit-times on the site across desktops, tablets and 95% of mobile devices.

We use an independent analytics service, that accurately reports our site traffic and demographics in real time - clustrmaps.com/map/Granfondoguide.com

Cycle Industry Recognition

In 2014, top cycling industry magazine and on-line media power house, Bike Radar, did a special feature on Xmas Gifts for Road Cyclists 2014.

In second place on the list was an Event Entry. Why Not? The perfect way to motivate you’re cycling friend or loved one achieving the perfect ride for them to cherish forever!

GranFondoGuide.com was listed in the top 3 on-line websites that provide an on-line calendar of events including Active.com and BikeReg.com

Industry Recognition for Gran Fondo Guide 

Advertising - combined with our Marketing Expertise

We can offer prominent advertising positions and marketing options to suits all budgets. 

Option A) Featured Event

The title of your event, linked to your event details on our website at the top right hand side of our website homepage.
For examples of featured events, please see the homepage top RHS - http://www.granfondoguide.com
Unlimited number of press releases (supplied) in our latest news on the website, newsletter, mobile and social media channels
Latest news is included in our weekly newsletter
Contact us for pricing

Option B) Sidebar Banner

Advert Size: 300 pixels wide by 300 pixels high.
Formats: .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp and animated gif allowed or supplied.
Advert can be supplied or we can design advert for free with your approval - 3 months or more
Links through to your event website with page impressions and click through stats
Specially written article to specifically promote your event, written by us with your final approval - 3 months or more
Unlimited number of press releases (supplied) in our latest news on the website, newsletter, mobile and social media channels
Events highlighted on the events calendar
Repeat news to keep up regular interest in your event.
Latest news is included in our weekly newsletter
Adverts are always displayed or rotated randomly with equal page impressions unless you opt for a static (fixed) placing.
Contact us for pricing

Option C) Events Calendar Banner

Advert Size: 1256 pixels wide by 131 pixels high
Formats: .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp and animated gif allowed or supplied.
Advert can be supplied or we can design advert for free with your approval.
Links through to your event website with page impressions and click through stats
Unlimited number of press releases (supplied) in our latest news on the website, newsletter, mobile and social media channels
Events highlighted on the events calendar
Repeat news to keep up regular interest in your event.
Specially written article(s) to specifically promote your event, written by us with your final approval - 3 months or more
Latest news is included in our weekly newsletter
Adverts are always displayed or rotated randomly with equal page impressions
Contact us for pricing

Gran Fondo Guide Advertising Places

Option D) Sitewide Banner Advert

Advert Size: 1256 pixels wide by 131 pixels high
Formats: .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp and animated gif allowed or supplied.
Advert can be supplied or we can design advert for free with your approval - 3 months or more
Links through to your event website with page impressions and click through stats
Unlimited number of press releases (supplied) in our latest news on the website, newsletter, mobile and social media channels
Events highlighted on the events calendar
Repeat news to keep up regular interest in your event.
Specially written article(s) to specifically promote your event, written by us with your final approval - 3 months or more
Latest news is included in our weekly newsletter
Adverts are always displayed or rotated randomly with equal page impressions
Contact us for pricing

Gran Fondo Guide Advertising Places